Carlos Granero-Belinchón

Carlos Granero Belinchón

Associate Professor

Dep. of Mathematical and Electrical Engineering
IMT Atlantique
OSE team of Lab-STICC UMR 6285 - CNRS ODYSSEY team - Inria

655 Av. du Technopôle, 29280 Plouzané, France


Office: Building K1, first floor, n. K1-01-208A

I'm PI of the ANR JCJC project Statistical ChAracterization of multi-scaLE complex Systems with information theory with acronym "SCALES" funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Code: ANR-21-CE46-0011-01)

I am member of the Chair "AI OCEANIX" "Physics-Informed AI for Observation-driven Ocean AnalytiX"

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